Saya by Subin Bhattarai
Nepali Literature
Shruti Sambeg
Subin Bhattarai
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Saya is a Nepali novel written by Subin Bhattarai and published by Fine Print in 2014 as a sequel to Summer love.
Bhattarai's third book and second novel, the plot concern how the misunderstanding in Summer love cleared and how they convince their family. It was the best selling book in Nepal and it was reprinted in the same month August and was one of the best-selling books in the country for the year. The book was launched by actresses Garima Panta and Keki Adhikari, and author Bhattarai himself at Nepal Academy, Kamaladi where there were thousands of fans.
It is the sequel of summer love. It is based on point of view of narrator, Atit, Saya and Susmita. According to the story, the narrator takes the responsibility to mend the things between Atit and Saya.
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Uoload hurry plz..